Desperate Hours (Disaster at Sea)

Desperate Hours (Disaster at Sea)

S01E08 - Desperate Hours (Nuclear Industrial)

23.9. 23:30
35 minuta

When humans are a serious danger to themselves... Desperate Hours looks at nuclear and industrial disasters including the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant disaster in Japan, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster in Ukraine, the Deepwater Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Savar Plaza disaster in Bangladesh, and the Bhopal Gas disaster in India.

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Season 1

Desperate Hours (Epidemic)

16.9. 22:00, DocuBox, 30 minuta

Desperate Hours (Epidemic)

Desperate Hours looks at major epidemics including the African Ebola outbreak in Sudan which eventually led to cases in the United State and England, the Indian Smallpox outbreak in Bihar, the African Cholera outbreak, the SARS outbreak in Guanghzhou China, and the Bird Flu of Hong Kong.


Desperate Hours (Wind)

16.9. 23:00, DocuBox, 30 minuta

Desperate Hours (Wind)

Desperate Hours looks at the destructive power of wind. From the devastating power of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans to the destructive Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, the 1960 storm Hurricane Donna in Florida, Tornado Joplin in Missouri, and Hurricane Sandy in New York.


Desperate Hours (Fire)

16.9. 22:30, DocuBox, 30 minuta

Desperate Hours (Fire)

The blazing terror of a fire can match anything in creation for sheer menace. Desperate Hours looks at the destructive force of fires including the Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria Australia, the Station Nightclub fire in Rhode Island, the L’Innovation Department Store fire in Brussels Belgium, the Armoury fire in Lagos Nigeria, and the Binhai New Development Zone Fire in Tianjin China.


Desperate Hours (Flood)

16.9. 23:30, DocuBox, 35 minuta

Desperate Hours (Flood)

When the levee breaks, the stuff really hits the fan…. Desperate Hours looks at some of the most devastating floods in history including the flood of Rio De Janeiro in Brazil, the Louisiana floods in the United States, the Hamburg floods in Germany, the Uttarakhand floods in North India, and the Indian Ocean tsunami in Southeast Asia.

Dostupno za 3 dana

Desperate Hours (Geological Disasters)

23.9. 23:00, DocuBox, 30 minuta

Desperate Hours (Geological Disasters)

Sometimes, all that it takes is a shift underfoot…. Desperate Hours looks at major geological disasters including avalanches in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Peru, and France. It also looks at geological landslides in the Philippines, India and Columbia and an enormous sinkhole that consumed a pond in Bosnia. It also looks at Blizzards in the United States, Israel, and United Kingdom.

Dostupno za 3 dana

Desperate Hours (Nuclear Industrial)

23.9. 23:30, DocuBox, 35 minuta

Desperate Hours (Nuclear Industrial)

When humans are a serious danger to themselves... Desperate Hours looks at nuclear and industrial disasters including the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant disaster in Japan, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster in Ukraine, the Deepwater Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Savar Plaza disaster in Bangladesh, and the Bhopal Gas disaster in India.

O emisiji

Seafaring is a dangerous business indeed…… Desperate Hours looks at major disasters on the high seas including the Sewol Ferry disaster in South Korea, the Ferry Estonia in the Baltic Sea, the sinking of the Titanic, the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound Alaska, the Express Samina in Portes Islets, pirates attacking the Maersk Alabama and Seabourn Spirit, and the Costa Concordia in the Mediterranean Sea.