Specijalci u akciji

Specijalci u akciji

S01E02 - Close Quarter Battle

29.9. 06:00
30 minutes

Terry Schappert reveals how special police units employ military-style techniques to fight urban crime.

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Season 1
Available in 5 days

Episode 1

28.9. 06:00, DocuBox, 30 minutes

Episode 1

Special Forces veteran Terry Schappert meets the enemy head-on in this thrilling series about urban warfare. Terry looks at the three key elements of combat.


Close Quarter Battle

21.9. 06:00, DocuBox, 30 minutes

Close Quarter Battle

Terry Schappert reveals how special police units employ military-style techniques to fight urban crime.



17.9. 06:00, DocuBox, 30 minutes


Za domjenka u Deaconovoj kući, tim je pozvan nakon što se u središtu grada sruši kuća od eksplozije bombe. Istraga je pokazala da je u zgradi bila nezakonita tvornica eksploziva i agentica FBI-a Eileen Conway kaže Hondu da navodnog bombaša Adama Jareda već prate, a pretraga ruševina otkrila je i povezanost s islamskim radikalima.


Specijalci (8)

22.9. 06:00, DocuBox, 30 minutes

Specijalci (8)

Nakon pljačke i pucnjave u ilegalnom noćnom klubu, Hondo i njegov tim sumnjaju da je Diego Pascal iz bande 20th Street Diablos ukrao zlato koje je pripadalo kartelu. Diego je u bijegu nakon što su mu ubili partnera i sada tim traži Reyu, konobaricu iz kluba koja je također nestala nakon što su je ranili u ruku.

About show

After the fall of the soviet union many countries remained in dispute in the early nineties despite eastern Europe‘s independence. In 1994 a bitter confl ict broke out between the forces of the Chechnen independence movement and the Russian regular army. Despite overwhelming manpower, weaponry and air support, the Russian forces were unable to establish effective permanent control over the mountainous area due to many successful Chechen guerrilla raids. Improvised Explosive Devices were one of the most eff ective methods employed in these disastrous raids and were the back drop to many Close Quarter Battle scenarios exchanged between the two sides.