The Bedroom Window

The Bedroom Window

22.6. 22:05
110 minuta
United States Drama / Trileri

Baltimore, Maryland. Sylvia sees a girl being attacked from her lover Terry's bedroom window. The assailant flees and his victim is saved. But that same night another girl is found murdered.

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United States Drama / Trileri

Baltimore, Maryland. Sylvia sees a girl being attacked from her lover Terry's bedroom window. The assailant flees and his victim is saved. But that same night another girl is found murdered.


Curtis Hanson


Francis Guinan, Steve Guttenberg, Brad Greenquist, Michael Burgess, Elizabeth McGovern, Frederick Coffin, Leon Rippy, Jodi Long, Maury Chaykin, Kate McG, Paul Shenar, Mark Margolis, Wallace Shawn, Carl Lumbly, Kevin O'Rourke, Joyce Flick Wendl, Isabelle Huppert, Robert Schenkkan, Sara Carlson, Penelope Allen, Myvanwy Jenn, Sydney Conrad Shapiro, Wendy Womble, Libra Marrian, Scott Colson, Carl Whitney, Richard McGough, Richard K. Olsen, John Patrick Maloney, Kerry Lang, J. Michael Hunter, Joyce Greer, Winston Hemingway, J. Rich Leonard, Craig Jahelka, Tobi Marsh