Steel Magnolias

Steel Magnolias

9.6. 18:00
STAR Movies
150 minuta
United States Komedija / Drama

This heart wrenching drama is about a beauty shop, in Louisana owned by Truvy, and the tragedies of all of her clients.

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O emisiji

United States Komedija / Drama

This heart wrenching drama is about a beauty shop, in Louisana owned by Truvy, and the tragedies of all of her clients.


Herbert Ross


Daryl Hannah, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley MacLaine, Kevin J. O'Connor, Bibi Besch, Dylan McDermott, Janine Turner, Rick Hurst, Sam Shepard, Carol Sutton, Tom Skerritt, Sally Field, Nancy Parsons, Dolly Parton, Jonathan Ward, Bill McCutcheon, Ann Wedgeworth, Knowl Johnson, Julia Roberts, James Wlcek, Ronald Young, Robert Ginnaven, Tom Hodges, Robert Harling, Clara Gabrielle, Daniel Camp, Norman Fletcher, Lori Tate, Robert Adams, Aja Sansone, Rodney Alan Fulton, Spencer Henderson, Sandra Asbury-Johnson, Gale J. Odom, Betsy Widhalm, Oscar J. Bienvenu Jr., Teresa Beaudion, Gladys Mallard, Betty J. Dove, Travis Harrison, James Shapkoff III, Walker May, Robert R. Morgan, Roger D. McCann, Debbie McCann, Trent Dawson