Daisy i Ollie (11)
S03E01 - Daisy and Ollie
Daisy and Ollie is a pre-school series encouraging young children to be curious and question the world around them. These questions can range from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the serious to the silly - and everything in between. Spending each day together, Daisy and Ollie along with their extraordinary toys, Boo the Monkey and Whizzy the Robot, discover the answers to their questions.
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Daisy and Ollie
Daisy and Ollie is a pre-school series encouraging young children to be curious and question the world around them. These questions can range from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the serious to the silly - and everything in between. Spending each day together, Daisy and Ollie along with their extraordinary toys, Boo the Monkey and Whizzy the Robot, discover the answers to their questions.
O emisiji
Daisy i Ollie je predškolska serija koja potiče malu djecu da budu znatiželjna i propituju svijet oko sebe. Ova pitanja mogu varirati od uzvišenih do smiješnih, od ozbiljnih do glupih - i svega između. Provodeći svaki dan zajedno, Daisy i Ollie zajedno sa svojim izvanrednim igračkama, majmunom Booom i robotom Whizzyjem, otkrivaju odgovore na svoja pitanja.