Botched By Nature

Botched By Nature

S01E04 - Crooked and Cracked

29.9. 13:00
E! Entertainment
60 minutes

They have fixed the unfixable and thought they'd seen it all. Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif will travel across the country to change the lives of those who have been botched by genetics or traumatic incidents. This series follows the doctors' nation-wide pursuit as they seek to transform the lives of patients willing to share their powerful stories with the world, all while learning things they never thought they'd know about one another and deepening the bromance that fans have come to know and love.

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22.9. 13:00, E! Entertainment, 60 minutes


U svijetu u kojem je ljepota u oku promatrača,a plastične operacije su jednostavno rješenje problema, potraga nekih ljudi za savršenstvom neki put ih ostavlja s neočekivanim i često - odvratnim - rezultatima. Svjetski poznati plastični kirurzi Terry Dubrow i Paul Nassif moraju se suočiti s izazovom života te pokušati pretvoriti hodajuće noćne more u priče o uspjehu, pokušavajući obrnuti učinke užasnih plastičnih operacija.

About show

They have fixed the unfixable and thought they'd seen it all. Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif will travel across the country to change the lives of those who have been botched by genetics or traumatic incidents. This series follows the doctors' nation-wide pursuit as they seek to transform the lives of patients willing to share their powerful stories with the world, all while learning things they never thought they'd know about one another and deepening the bromance that fans have come to know and love.