Tony, a thirteen-year-old boy on vacation in rural Germany, is fascinated by the idea of vampires. Meanwhile Rudolph, a vampire of "similar" age (313!), encounters trouble when his clan is threatened by a dangerously obsessed hunter. Fate brings these two boys together, as Tony & Rudolph set off an action-packed battle to stop the villain, save Rudolph's family and learn the power of friendship.
Tony, a thirteen-year-old boy on vacation in rural Germany, is fascinated by the idea of vampires. Meanwhile Rudolph, a vampire of "similar" age (313!), encounters trouble when his clan is threatened by a dangerously obsessed hunter. Fate brings these two boys together, as Tony & Rudolph set off an action-packed battle to stop the villain, save Rudolph's family and learn the power of friendship.
Richard Claus,
Karsten Kiilerich
Miriam Margolyes,
Julia Rhodes,
Jim Carter,
Rasmus Hardiker,
Kevin Otto,
Joseph Kloska,
Alice Krige,
Matthew Marsh,
Matthew Dylan Roberts,
Amy Saville,
Phoebe Givron-Taylor,
Diane Wilson,
Graham Clarke,
Bennet Pappe,
Thomas Balou Martin,
Tom Raczko,
Wigald Boning,
Katja Liebing,
Ben Boxberg,
Stefan Gebelhoff,
Ilse Strambowski,
Buddy Vedder,
Britt Scholte,
Tim Pigott-Smith